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22 September 2008


Accounting Packages

The only big thing missing in Tableau is the concept of hierarchies. It sees them from multi-dimensional sources like SQL Server analysis services, but Qliktech finds those relationships automatically.


I disagree that the concept of heirarchies is missing from Tableau. Tableau automatically recognizes parent child relationships and automatically groups data, accordingly. For example, each “Product sub-category” is correctly displayed within its “Product Category” in any chart type.

Tableau’s “level of detail” shelf permits you to “drill down” data across any dimension, not just a defined “hierarchy” of related dimensions. For examaple, you can quickly and easily drill down from a Product Category to Shipment Mode.

In fact, a big advantage of Tableau is where the data itself doesn’t provide a hierarchy or “groupings” of data that you want for analysis and presentation, for example next year’s sales territories. With “Ad-hoc Groups”, Tableau lets you create new hierarchies and new defined categories, on the fly.

Whether working at aggregated levels or individual detail records, a powerful strength of Tableau is how it handles the dimensionality of the data.
This is why Concentrix really like Tableau - it is genuinely powerful, easy to use, flexible software with applications throughout industry. It also offers exceptional value for money.

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