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20 August 2009



Do you find the system requirements and internal infrastructure differ between a similar implementation of both Sage CRM and MS CRM?

How does this affect the cost of a typical installation?



John Odell

Hello Anon,

Thanks for your question.

The hardware / infrastructure requirements for Sage CRM and Microsoft Dynamics CRM are pretty similar.

Microsoft CRM benefits from a slightly higher spec of server to run on and is best on the latest spec client (PC or Laptop) operating system and version of office.

Microsoft CRM is also a bit "hungrier" for resource, so you wouldn't want to host it on the same server as your other business critical applications. That said, from a best practice point of view you shouldn't do this with Sage or any alternative CRM package.

Both Sage and Microsoft CRM run on Microsoft SQL Server databases, so if you don't already have SQL in your organisation you will need to invest in it for either.

The real determining factors with hardware costs are: How many users will you have? What do you need the CRM to do for you? What is your current IT strategy?

If hardware could be prohibitive to implementing CRM, have you considered going for a hosted / Software as a Service (SaaS) CRM? We provide Hosted Microsoft Dynamics CRM which removes the need for any server hardware and is a great way to get started with CRM with minimal investment and risk.

I hope that answers your question. If you would like to talk about your specific requirements in more detail then please drop us a line.

Many thanks


Related reading:

Hosted CRM Blog: http://concentrix.typepad.co.uk/crm_uk/2009/09/hosted-crm-the-easiest-and-quickest-way-to-get-crm-working-for-your-business.html

Join me for an online "Get Started with CRM" seminar - 10th September at 3.30pm: http://concentrix.typepad.co.uk/crm_uk/2009/08/how-to-get-started-with-crm-free-webinar-10th-september-2009.html

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